The latest amendments to the Basic Conditions of Employment act became effective on 01 Septemer 2014.
The amendments to the Employment Equity Act became effective on 01 August 2014.
The latest amendmets to the Labour Relations Act became effcive on 01 January 2015.
To have access to our own selection of most relevant South African employment related legislation,
including the contents of these acts, go here.
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To get access to the table of Labour Regulations, go here.
​A. Here you can find all the Acts selected and issued by the Department of Labour. ​
Get the Acts, Amendments, Codes of Good Practice, Regulations and Notices, and Sectoral Determinations published by the Department of Labour. (

Basic Condition of Employment
Applies to all employers and workers and regulates leave, working hours, employment contracts, deductions, pay slips, and termination
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases
Workers who are affected by occupational injuries and diseases are entitled to compensation​

Employment Equity
Applies to all employers and workers and protects workers and job seekers from unfair discrimination, and also provides a framework for implementing affirmative action
Labour Relations
Applies to all workers and employers and aims to advance economic development, social justice, labour peace and the democracy of the workplace.​

Occupational Health and Safety
Aims to provide and regulate health and safety at the workplace for all workers.
Skills Development
Aims to develop and improve the skills of the South African workforce.​

Skills Development Levies Act
Prescribes how employers should contribute to the National Skills Fund.
Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)
Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act
Prescribes how employers should contribute to the UIF Contributions fund.​

Unemployment Insurance Act No. 63 of 2001
Provides security to workers when they become unemployed.
Manpower Training Act, 1981​

B. Codes of Good Practice
​Here you can find all Codes of Good Practice issued by the Department of Labour.​
Basic Condition of Employment​
Employment Equity​
Labour Relations​
Occupational Health and Safety​
Harassment in the Worplace

C. Regulations And Notices
​Here you can find all Regulations issued by the Department of Labour.​
Basic Condition of Employment​
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases​
Medical Tariffs​
Pension Increase​
Employment Equity​
Occupational Health and Safety​
Skills Development​
Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)​

D. Sectoral Determination
​Here you can find all the Sectoral Determination / Minimum wages / National Minimum Wage Act provisions, which are issued by the Department of Labour.​
Sectoral Determination
National Minimum Wage Act
E. The following list only consists of Principal Acts administered by the Department of Justice and only Amendment Acts containing substantive provisions. See under "complete list of acts".

2.24 The Trespass Act, 1959 (Act 6 of 1959),
prohibits the unlawful entry or presence on land and the unlawful entry of or presence in buildings in certain circumstances.
2.38 The Civil Proceedings Evidence Act, 1965 (Act 25 of 1965),
regulates the law of evidence in regard to civil proceedings. The Act, among others, provides for the admissibility of evidence; competency of witnesses, sufficiency of evidence, documentary evidence; and oaths and affirmations.

2.39 The Arbitration Act, 1965 (Act 42 of 1965),
provides for the settlement of disputes by arbitration tribunals in terms of written arbitration agreements and for the enforcement of the awards of such arbitration tribunals. The Act provides for matters not subject to arbitration; the effect of arbitration agreements; the appointment of arbitrators and umpires; and contains provisions relating to arbitration proceedings and awards.

2.45 The Department only administers section 4 of the Dangerous Weapons Act, 1968 (Act 71 of 1968),
which provides for the penalties which are to be imposed when dangerous weapons or firearms are used in the commission of offences involving violence.

2.52 The Prescription Act, 1969 (Act 68 of 1969),
consolidated and amended the laws relating to prescription. This Act provides, among others, for acquisitive and extinctive prescription; when prescription begins; and the interruption and suspension of prescription.

2.57 The Prescribed Rate of Interest Act, 1975 (Act 55 of 1975),
provides for the calculation of interest on a debt, in certain circumstances, at a prescribed rate and for the payment of interest on certain judgment debts.

2.69 The Protection of Information Act, 1982 (Act 84 of 1982),
provides for the protection from disclosure of certain information. The Act, among others, prohibits certain acts in relation to prohibited places; the obtaining and disclosure of certain information; and certain acts which are prejudicial to the security and interests of the Republic. Provision is also made for the disclosure of certain information.

2.96 The Domicile Act, 1992 (Act 3 of 1992),
provides for domicile of choice; domicile of a person who cannot acquire a domicile of choice; succession of domicile; and the standard of proof for acquisition or loss of domicile.

2.98 The Interception and Monitoring Prohibition Act, 1992 (Act 127 of 1992),
prohibits the interception of certain communications and the monitoring of certain conversations. (NOTE: The whole of this Act has been repealed by section 62(1) of the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-related Information Act, 2002 (Act 70 of 2002), which will come into operation on a date to be fixed by the President by proclamation in the Gazette.)

2.126 The Contingency Fees Act, 1997 (Act 66 of 1997),
regulates contingency fees agreements between legal practitioners and their clients. Provision is, among others, made for the form and content of contingency fees agreements; settlement; and that a client may claim the review of an agreement or fees.

2.138 The Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act 2 of 2000),
gives effect to section 32 of the Constitution subject to justifiable limitations, including but not limited to, limitations aimed at the reasonable protection of privacy, commercial confidentiality and effective, efficient and good governance and in a manner which balances the right of access to information with any other rights including the rights in the Bill of Rights in Chapter 2 of the Constitution.

2.139 The Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 (Act 3 of 2000),
gives effect to the right to administrative action that is lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair and to the right to written reasons for administrative action as contemplated in section 33 of the Constitution.

2.140 The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 (Act 4 of 2000),
gives effect to section 9 of the Constitution by providing for, among others, the equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms by every person; the promotion of equality; the values of non-racialism and non-sexism contained in section 1 of the Constitution; the prevention of unfair discrimination and protection of human dignity as contemplated in sections 9 and 10 of the Constitution; and the prohibition of advocacy of hatred, based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion, that constitutes incitement to cause harm as contemplated in section 16(2)(c) of the Constitution. The Act also provides for procedures for the determination of circumstances under which discrimination is unfair, for measures to educate the public and raise public awareness on the importance of promoting equality and overcoming unfair discrimination, hate speech and harassment and to provide remedies for victims of unfair discrimination. Certain sections of the Act have not yet been put into operation.

2.141 The Protected Disclosures Act, 2000 (Act 26 of 2000),
makes provision for procedures in terms of which employees in both the private and the public sector may disclose information regarding unlawful or irregular conduct by their employers or other employees in the employ of their employers. The Act further provides for the protection of employees who make a disclosure which is protected in terms of this Act.

2.149 The Institution of Legal Proceedings against Certain Organs of State Act, 2002 (Act 40 of 2002),
among others, aims to regulate the prescription and to harmonise the periods of prescription of debts for which certain organs of state are liable. The Act also makes provision for notice requirements in connection with the institution of legal proceedings against certain organs of state in respect of the recovery of debt.

2.150 The Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-related Information Act, 2002 (Act 70 of 2002),
among others, aims to regulate the interception of certain communications, the monitoring of certain signals and radio frequency spectrums and the provision of certain communication-related information. The Act also regulates the making of applications for, and the issuing of, directions authorizing the interception of communications and the provision of communication- related information under certain circumstances. Certain provisions of the Act have not yet been implemented.

2.152 The Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004 (Act 12 of 2004),
among others, aims to provide for the strengthening of measures to prevent and combat corruption and corrupt activities; the establishment and endorsement of a Register in order to place certain restrictions on persons and enterprises convicted of corrupt activities relating to tenders and contracts; and to place a duty on certain persons holding a position of authority to report certain corrupt transactions.

3.3 The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996,
introduces a new Constitution for the Republic of South Africa
​F. Other acts - 1994-2012 (Government Gazette as published, without full amendments and amendments added separately). (
Income Tax Act, [No. 141 of 1992], G 14144, 15 July 1992​

Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act, [No. 130 of 1992], G 14134, 10 July 1992
Security Officers Amendment Act, [No. 119 of 1992], G 14123, 10 July 1992​

Prevention of Public Violence and Intimidation Amendment Act, [No. 50 of 1992], G 13952, 6 May 1992
Gatherings and Demonstrations Amendment Act, [No. 13 of 1992], G 13830, 13 March 1992​

Computer Evidence Amendment Act, [No. 5 of 1992], G 13819, 11 March 1992
Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Amendment Act, [No. 208 of 1993], G 15449, 28 January 1994​

Regulation of Gatherings Act, [No. 205 of 1993], G 15446, 28 January 1994
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act, [No. 181 of 1993], G 15369, 29 December 1993​
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, [No. 130 of 1993], G 15158, 6 October 1993
Insolvency Amendment Act, [No. 122 of 1993], G 14988, 20 July 1993​

Occupational Health and Safety Act, [No. 85 of 1993], G 14918, 1 January 1994
Tobacco Products Control Act, [No. 83 of 1993], G 14916, 2 July 1993​

Public Holidays Act, [No. 36 of 1994], G 16136, 7 December 1994
South African Citizenship Act, [No. 88 of 1995], G 16751, 6 October 1995​
Interception and Monitoring Prohibition Amendment Act, [No. 77 of 1995], G 16742, 6 October 1995
Labour Relations Act, [No. 66 of 1995], G 16861, 13 December 1995​

South African Qualifications Authority Act, [No. 58 of 1995], G 16725, 4 October 1995
Income Tax Act, [No. 21 of 1995], G 16542, 19 July 1995​

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, [No. 108 of 1996], G 17678, 18 December 1996
Public Service Second Amendment Act, [No. 67 of 1996], G 17562, 8 November 1996​

Labour Relations Amendment Act, [No. 42 of 1996], G 17427, 10 September 1996
Mine Health and Safety Act, [No. 29 of 1996], G 17242, 14 June 1996​

Basic Conditions of Employment Act, [No. 75 of 1997], G 18491, 5 December 1997
Mine Health and Safety Amendment Act, [No. 72 of 1997], G 18488, 3 December 1997​

Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Amendment Act, [No. 61 of 1997], G 18430, 14 November 1997
Labour Relations Amendment Act, [No. 127 of 1998], G 19542, 2 December 1998​
Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, [No. 117 of 1998], G 19614, 18 December 1998
Skills Development Act, [No. 97 of 1998], G 19420, 2 November 1998​

Employment of Educators Act, [No. 76 of 1998], G 19320, 2 October 1998
Employment Equity Act, [No. 55 of 1998], G 19370, 19 October 1998​

Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act, [No. 20 of 1998], G 19274, 23 September 1998
Skills Development Levies Act, [No. 9 of 1999], G 19984, 30 April 1999​

Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, [No. 32 of 2000], G 21776, 20 November 2000
Protected Disclosures Act, [No. 26 of 2000], G 21453, 7 August 2000​

Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, [No. 4 of 2000], G 20876, 9 February 2000
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, [No. 3 of 2000], G 20853, 3 February 2000​

Promotion of Access to Information Act, [No. 2 of 2000], G 20852, 3 February 2000
Unemployment Insurance Act, [No. 63 of 2001], G 23064, 28 January 2002​

Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act, [No. 37 of 2001], G 22876, 29 November 2001
Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-related Information Act, [No. 70 of 2002], G 24286,​

Electronic Communications Security (Pty) Ltd Act, [No. 68 of 2002], G 24356, 6 February 2003
Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Amendment Act, [No. 60 of 2002], G 24283, 22 January 2003​

Promotion of Access to Information Amendment Act, [No. 54 of 2002], G 24250, 15 January 2003
Promotion of Administrative Justice Amendment Act, [No. 53 of 2002], G 24354, 6 February 2003​

Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Amendment Act, [No. 52 of 2002], G 24249, 15 January 2003
Institution of Legal Proceedings against Certain Organs of State Act, [No. 40 of 2002], G 24112, 28 November 2002​

Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, [No. 25 of 2002], G 23708, 2 August 2002
Labour Relations Amendment Act, [No. 12 of 2002], G 23540, 24 June 2002​

Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act, [No. 11 of 2002], G 23539, 24 June 2002
Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act, [No. 4 of 2002], G 23289, 28 March 2002​

Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, [No. 56 of 2003], G 26019, 13 February 2004
Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act, [No. 53 of 2003], G 25899, 9 January 2004​

Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act, [No. 32 of 2003], G 25721, 14 November 2003
Skills Development Amendment Act, [No. 31 of 2003], G 25720, 14 November 2003​

Judicial Officers (Amendment of Conditions of Service) Amendment Act, [No. 28 of 2003], G 25650, 31 October 2003
Traditional Health Practitioners Act, [No. 35 of 2004], G 27275, 11 February 2005​
South African Citizenship Amendment Act, [No. 17 of 2004], G 26792, 15 September 2004
Children's Act, [No. 38 of 2005], G 28944, 19 June 2006​

Electronic Communications Act, [No. 36 of 2005], G 28743, 18 April 2006
National Credit Act, [No. 34 of 2005], G 28619, 15 March 2006​

Electronic Communications Amendment Act , [No. 37 of 2007], G 30658, 8 January 2008
Traditional Health Practitioners Act , [No. 22 of 2007], G 30660, 10 January 2008​

Mine Health and Safety Amendment Act, [No. 74 of 2008], G 32140, 17 April 2009
Companies Act, [No. 71 of 2008], G 32121, 9 April 2009​

Consumer Protection Act, [No. 68 of 2008], G 32186, 29 April 2009
National Qualifications Framework Act, [No. 67 of 2008], G 31909, 17 February 2009
Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provisionof Communication-related Information Act, [No. 48 of 2008], G 31784, 9 January 2009
Dutch Reformed Churches Union Act Repeal Act, [No. 46 of 2008], G 31671, 3 December 2008​

Skills Development Amendment Act, [No. 37 of 2008], G 31666, 1 December 2008
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Amendment Act, [No. 35 of 2008], G 31649, 27 November 2008​

Skills Development Levies Amendment Act, [No. 24 of 2010], G 33854, 7 December 2010
Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Amendment Act, [No. 21 of 2010], G 33839, 3 December 2010​

South African Citizenship Amendment Act, [No. 17 of 2010], G 33850, 7 December 2010
Skills Development Amendment Act, [No. 26 of 2011], G 35191, 28 March 2012​

Protection from Harassment Act, [No. 17 of 2011], G 34818, 5 December 2011
Companies Amendment Act, [No. 3 of 2011], G 34243, 20 April 2011​

Use of Official Languages Act, [No. 12 of 2012], G 35742, 2 October 2012