Labour Law Aid
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1000+ selected Labour cases
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Illustration of the Labour dispute processes

News & Publications
​Labour Law Aid, our research aid according to Labour Court Judgments
This document, which is presented in a mindmap form and in a table form (search function available), contains summaries of Constitutional Court, Labour Appeal Court and Labour Court (Johannesburg) decisions from 1997 until recent 2022 (regularly updated, until December 2022). These decisions are organized in 32 topics and grouped according to 13 main groups.
Over 1000 Court decisions on employment law principles were specially sourced to serve as aid for H R managers and Employment specialists.
(Also go to:, for another view of the file.)
Guide for dealing with Labour dispute resolution: CCMA/Bargaining Councils and Labour Court
See Updated Documents hereunder:
New Earnings Threshold
Earnings Threshold published in terms of section 6(3) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, that applies as from 1 July 2014:
December 2013 and January 2014 saw the publication of two of the labour law amending acts that have been in the pipeline for some time, namely the Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act 20 of 2013, which was published on 9 December 2013, and the Employment Equity Amendment Act No 47 of 2013 published on 16 January 2014.
To read more, click on these immages.
In August 2014 the Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2014 was signed into law by the President. The amendments come into effect on 1 January 2015 and that the proclamation to this effect was gazetted on 19 December 2014.
To read more, click on this immage.
New Minimum Wages introduced for Domestic Workers as from 1 January 2018 for the 2018 year, until 31 December 2018.